4 Course Package Thailand 

  • Advanced Close Protection Level 2 Program (Nov 5th-9th)
  • Close Protection Surveillance & Counter Surveillance Program (Nov11th-14th)
  • Close Protection Medical Course (Nov 15th-19th)
  • Protection Driver Program (Nov 21st-23rd)  

Hostile Environment Awareness Training(HEAT) -
(Nov 25th- 28th) - Sold Separately 

Want to undertake our suite of training in one go? Package your programs to save 15%, conduct the courses consecutively or space them out, your spot will be assured, and take advantage of additional face time with our outstanding Directing Staff.  

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Advance Close Protection Level 2 (5 Days)

Empire Protection has been delivering Close Protection Services to some of the worlds highest profile corporations, identities and governments for the last 8 years. Operating across the globe, our team is excited to bring our experience directly to you via the Empire Institute. Created and delivered by those leading the industry today, this course provides you with personal and unfiltered access to our team while they take you though realistic, real world scenarios; utilising the most up to date, best practice methods and tactics. 

Units include: 
The Business of Close Protection, Types of Close Protection, Building and Managing a CP Team, Role Scopes within the Industry, Residential Security, Event Security, Mobile CPP, Protective Surveillance and Covert Protection, Situational Awareness, Mission Analysis, Operations Orders and SMEACS, CP Logistics Management, CP Soft Skills, Site Surveys and Advances, Counter Surveillance/Surveillance Detection, Area and Vehicle Search, CP Movements and Actions On. 

This program will focused on hands-on learning and scenario based training, including a full day real-world exercise.

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Close Protection Surveillance & Counter Surveillance Program (4 Days)

Counter Surveillance is an under-utilised and misunderstood element of Close Protection Operations. When correctly integrated into CP Operations, it can be an invaluable resource to increase Operational Success, Reduce Risk and Vulnerability, Reduce Operational Burden on CP Teams and provide valuable intelligence for Decision Makers, Risk Managers and Investigation Teams. 

Our Program is designed to provide CP Operators with insights into how to implement Counter-Surveillance Measures into their CP Operations, and to undertake Surveillance of Known Threats and Locations. 

Units Include: 
Theory of Surveillance, Theory of Counter-Surveillance, CPP Application of Surveillance, CPP Application of Counter-Surveillance, Preparing for Surveillance Tasks, Preparing for Counter-Surveillance Tasks, Surveillance Appreciation/Environmental Assessments, Overt vs Covert Surveillance,  Counter-Surveillance Route Planning, Setting Traps, Static Location and Mobile Counter-Surveillance, Technical Security Counter Measures (TSCM) Awareness, Actions On Identifying Surveillance

This program will focused on hands-on learning and scenario based training, including real-world exercises.

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Protection Driver  Program
(3 days)

Security Driving is one of the most in demand services in the CP industry. It is also one of the most important given that statistically, driving is one of the highest-risk activities our clients will undertake. 

Our teams have put together a bespoke Security Driver Program to up-skill those working in the CPP industry and broaden employment opportunities in the Security Driver Space. This course has been built by Directing Staff with experience in Law-Enforcement Tactical Driving, Military Tactical Driving, Professional Motor Sport and Commercial Limousine Services. 

Units include: 

Security Driving Customer Service, Vehicle Preparation and Maintenance, Vehicle Selection and Procurement, Vehicle Dynamics, Comfort Driving, Dynamic Driving, Off Road Driving, Vehicle Convoys, Formation Driving and Formation Selection, Em-bus/Deb-us Procedures, Vehicular Actions-On and Cross Decking, Stakeholder Engagement and Management

This program will focused on hands-on learning and scenario based training, including real-world exercises. 

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Medical Course (4 Days)

As First Responders for clients, CPP Team Members must all have a sound understanding of Medical First Aid. Given that CPP Teams operate in High Threat Environments, there is a need to be able to provide a high-level of Medical Intervention in support of client safety and wellbeing. Empire Protection draws on significant experience from Combat Medics and Expert Partners to deliver a Medical Training Program tailored to the CPP world. 

Units Include: 
Responding to Medical Emergencies, Crime/Emergency Scene Management, CPP Medic Equipment, Medical Response in the CPP Context, Airway Management, Resuscitation and use of AED, Bleed Management, Impact Trauma

This program will focus on hands-on learning and scenario based training, including real-world exercises.

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Hostile Environment Awareness Training (HEAT)


Humanitarian workers and professionals are increasingly exposed to challenging, insecure, remote or hostile environments due to lawlessness, political instability and armed conflict. It is essential they are adequately prepared for any dangers they may encounter.

 Tactical Emergency Casualty Care (provided and accredited by our partners, TACMED), Security Context (inc Image and Acceptance), Trip Planning, Communications Protocol and Equipment, Field Preparedness and Evacuation, Critical Incident Stress, Navigation, Weapons Awareness: Judging Distance, Weapons Awareness: Movement under Fire, Basics of Negotiation, Sexual Assault, Information Security, Hostage and Kidnap Survival, Physical Security, Situational Awareness, Vehicle Check Points/Road Blocks, Active Armed Assailant, Crowds and Mobs, Explosive Remnants of War (ERW), Incident Reporting.


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The Right People, The Right Methods, The Right Results.

In everything we do, Demands Excellence.